There is no appeal process to ZTLs as cameras record your licence and time, and to tick one off even more the whole process it third party. A private company issues the fine and collects the payment! If it was up to me I would NOT pay, however... Although I was the driver the car was rented under our friend's name and the way we travel everything (aside from hotel and airfare) is split down the middle, 50/50. So if he decides to pay the ticket we will share the cost.
BTW we have done several trips with our friends and we follow the 50/50 rule. If you don't drink the wine or sometimes order the steak - too bad you're paying 50/50 anyway. It certainly keeps the playing field even. We have added a new sharing feature. One of us carries "the purse". We seed it with about $50 each couple and "the purse" pays for travelling stuff like tolls, an afternoon stop for wine & cheese, all the little things are shared too. When the funds get low we each add the same $$ and "the purse" keeps going. When we expanded to 6 people in Spain, the new couple kicked in their share too. Any money left over at the end is simply divied up.