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Author Topic: Planning on driving in Italy cities, check this out.  (Read 5835 times)

Offline phlatlanders

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Planning on driving in Italy cities, check this out.
« on: May 26, 2010, 11:14:10 PM »
In April 2010 we received a 105Euro ($160) fine for unknowingly entering a ZTL (Restricted Traffic Zone) in Florence on October 9, 2009. So, if you are planning to drive into Rome, Florence or Pisa, check out the info just posted on our Italy website at 
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Offline flopnfly

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Re: Planning on driving in Italy cities, check this out.
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 07:37:37 AM »
Wow, what a surprise for you to get. 

Did you pay it, or are your going to protest it?
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Offline phlatlanders

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Re: Planning on driving in Italy cities, check this out.
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 11:08:48 AM »
There is no appeal process to ZTLs as cameras record your licence and time, and to tick one off even more the whole process it third party. A private company issues the fine and collects the payment! If it was up to me I would NOT pay, however...  Although I was the driver the car was rented under our friend's name and the way we travel everything (aside from hotel and airfare) is split down the middle, 50/50. So if he decides to pay the ticket we will share the cost.

BTW we have done several trips with our friends and we follow the 50/50 rule. If you don't drink the wine or sometimes order the steak - too bad you're paying 50/50 anyway. It certainly keeps the playing field even. We have added a new sharing feature. One of us carries "the purse". We seed it with about $50 each couple and "the purse" pays for travelling stuff like tolls, an afternoon stop for wine & cheese, all the little things are shared too. When the funds get low we each add the same $$ and "the purse" keeps going. When we expanded to 6 people in Spain, the new couple kicked in their share too. Any money left over at the end is simply divied up.
We hope to do more rivercruising - relax and see the sights.

Click to view our 2012 Danube Rivercruise - Budapest to Prague.

Offline travelchick

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Re: Planning on driving in Italy cities, check this out.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 07:32:57 PM »
BTW we have done several trips with our friends and we follow the 50/50 rule. If you don't drink the wine or sometimes order the steak - too bad you're paying 50/50 anyway. It certainly keeps the playing field even. We have added a new sharing feature. One of us carries "the purse". We seed it with about $50 each couple and "the purse" pays for travelling stuff like tolls, an afternoon stop for wine & cheese, all the little things are shared too. When the funds get low we each add the same $$ and "the purse" keeps going. When we expanded to 6 people in Spain, the new couple kicked in their share too. Any money left over at the end is simply divied up.

Sounds like a very convenient plan.  It all works out about even in the end, I would think, for each couple.  It certainly sounds wonderful to share a fabulous trip abroad with such good friends.  You are very fortunate, Phlat!  TC  :grin: