Hi All
Again, another good time had by all! Again we enjoyed getting together with old friends and meeting new ones. The Cuba group consisted of Steve, Wendy (pictures to follow) LOL, Heather and John, Fred and Tracie, Jayne and Nick. Our good friends, Greg and Ang hosted in there room (suite) because we had 17 people all together. We look forward to getting together with everyone at the party each year and again it was a lot of fun catching up with everybody. So a few pictures are worth a thousand words!
Fred & Tracie
Oh by the way the wine bottle count was 18 along with misc other libations. Cheers to Cafe Espanola

The Bar


Cheers from Heather, Tracie and John

The gang at the restaurant

The "3" Amigos! Tracie, Heather & Wendy

Steve and John sipping 7 year old Havana Club

Misty walk back